Complaints Process

Complaints Process

Here at Marden Homes, we pride ourselves on excellence in creating sustainable communities and incorporating green spaces and environmentally friendly features into our developments. Moreover, Marden Homes has a reputation for ensuring customer satisfaction at every stage of the homebuying process.

However, if you feel you are not happy with Marden Homes at some point through your journey, the process is as follows :-

Marden Homes Complaints Procedure

To send in writing stating:

  • Your name
  • Development
  • Plot number
  • An explanation of your complaint

Please send this to email address:

The email will be sent on to the relevant Department Director/head and, if they feel it necessary, they may also escalate to the Managing Director.

All complaints must be in writing, as we are unable to deal with complaints verbally. We aim to reply to your complaint within 5 working days. If we need to gather information from the relevant department to ensure we reply to you with a more considered response, we will write to you informing you of the date by which you can expect a reply.

If your complaint is regarding a defect, please send us the full email trail of your claim against the Warranty. The Warranty allows homeowners to make a claim if the technical specification material or fitting fails. It does not cover maintenance e.g. shrinkage, doors dropping etc. Your Handover paperwork will be referenced regarding your acceptance on completion. Our Aftersales team will categorise the urgency of your claim through our traffic light system. Once categorised you will be informed.

In the event that you are not satisfied with the response from us at Marden Homes, the further steps in the process are as follows:

Home Warranty Body

You may refer your complaint directly to the relevant Home Warranty Body who will deal with your complaint under its policy or its own dispute resolution scheme, where appropriate, for defects or damage.

Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme

If the complaint falls outside the dispute resolution scheme of the Home Warranty Body, you may elect to refer your complaint to the Independent Dispute Scheme. Its adjudication process is as follows:

  • You must complete an application form and send it to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme with any evidence you wish to rely on. Your application form should contain all the information relevant to the Dispute and, where possible, identify the Consumer Code Requirements you allege have been breached. You should also provide copies of receipts or other evidence of expenditure if making a financial claim.
  • The Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme will ask Marden Homes to respond to your application and supporting evidence. At this stage Marden Homes may resolve the Dispute without a formal adjudication – this is called ‘early settlement’.
  • If early settlement does not happen, Marden Homes must submit our response to your application. The Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme will give you a copy of the Marden Homes response and you will be invited to respond if you wish.
  • The Adjudicator will consider both submissions and decide whether or not Marden Homes has breached the Consumer Code Requirements and, if so, whether or not you have been caused detriment or suffered financial loss (or both) as a result.